Hints and Instructions: Anti-Gravity Puzzle Box
General Hints
Hint 1
The goal is to open the puzzle box and reveal its content.
Hint 2
Firstly, you will have to solve a series of puzzles. The aim of the first puzzles will be to detach all 3 acrylic beams which will free the wooden arm.
Hint 3
Lastly, you have to solve the puzzle with the wooden arm to open the puzzle box.
Step 1
Hint 1
Can you find the side where there are two spring-loaded sliders? What happens when you slide down both of them at the same time?
Hint 2
Does something come loose when sliding down both sliders? You might need to pull on something.
Step 2
Hint 1
Can you find some sort of tool/device on the puzzle box which will help you solve the puzzle box?
Hint 2
A tiny pyramid is the key.
Hint 3
Can you find the magnet? What happens if you pull on the tiny pyramid holding the magnet?
Hint 4
The next puzzle you need to solve is the side with the 6 metal balls.
Hint 5
Do you see the symbols next to the 6 metal balls? Can you find them somewhere else?
Hint 6
Did you find the symbols? You can find them on the side with the two spring-oaded sliders.
Can you use your tiny pyramid to decode the lines?
Hint 7
In which orientation do the markings on all three sides of the tiny pyramid match with the engraving on the puzzle box?
Hint 8
Can you complete the missing line segments and find the six symbol pairs?
Hint 9
Can you use the tiny pyramid somehow to move the 6 metal balls into place?
Hint 10
Are all 6 metall balls next to the correct symbol?
This should unlock the the middle knob. Try turning it.
Hint 11
Do you see an unlock smbol in the center of the three holes? If not, the knob is not turned far enough. Check if all 6 metal balls are in the right place. Only then will the knob turn all the way.
Hint 12
Did you turn the knob all the way?
If you are unsure, check the previous hints.
If yes, you should be able to pull out another acrylic beam.
Hint 13
Can you find a small lever. Pull on it.
(You can pull the lever to its end position only if you see three unlock symbols in the middle of the three holes)
Step 3
Hint 1
Did you pull on the small lever?
This should release the metal ball on the side with the clear acrylic glass.
(If the metal ball is not released, check if you see the three unlock symbols in the middle of the three holes on the side with the six metal balls. Only then can the lever be moved into its end position and release the metal ball)
Hint 2
Do you have something that may help you move the metal ball below the clear acrylic glass?
Hint 3
Can you use your tiny pyramid to free the ball so that it reaches the two turning wheels?
Hint 4
Find the two symbols that are made up of three specific shapes. Can you find these shapes somewhere else?
Hint 5
Check if the three sliders in the middle are still in the position where the metal ball can move freely up and down.
Do you see the three shapes?
Hint 6
Try to turn the two spinning wheels with the ball and magnet so that the two arrows point to the correct symbols.
Hint 7
Did you imput the correct symbols?
If yes you should be able to pull on the slider next to the big arrow and release the last acrylic beam.
Step 4
Hint 1
At this point you should have detached all 3 acrylic beams.
Do not continue if this is not the case.
Hint 2
Did you see the music notes on the slider?
Hint 3
Did you spot the other music notes on the puzzle box?
Hint 4
Have you ever played the flute?
Hint 5
Maybe it's time to play the flute ;-)
Hint 6
Try to blow into the three holes marked with a music note and a mouth.
What do you hear?
Hint 7
Can you hear three different tones?
Hint 8
Remember the music notes you got earlier? How can you use the three tones from the whistles to decipher the music note sequence?
Hint 9
Did you see the symbols next to the three whistles? Maybe the tones are somehow related to the symbols?
Hint 10
Try to translate the music note sequence into a symbol sequence.
Where could this symbol sequence be usefull?
Hint 11
Can you follow the sequence of symbols with the wooden arm?
Try to be exact.
Hint 12
Did you start from the circle which has no symbol inside and from which arrows point outwards?
This is the starting position.
Hint 13
When following the sequence with the arm, try to not overshoot the position of the markings; especially when there is a direction change.
It is important that you follow the sequence with the arm exactly. Only if the arm is moved to each symbol in the sequence the lock will open.
Below there is a rotary combination lock which is decoded by moving the arm back an forth to specific angles.
Whistle is not working?
If one of the whistles does not function properly, you can try the following. The whistle is made up of three layers of wood. If there is a gap between one of the layers the wistle won‘t produce a good tone. Try pressing the tree layers back together and blow into the whistle again.